Support for Communities

“He will rescue the poor when they cry to Him, He will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them.”

Psalms 72:12

Helping the poor is a command of The Most High in the Scriptures. In The Book of Ezekiel (16:49) we learn that one of the three main reasons the city of Sodom was destroyed, was due to their greed and refusal to help the poor and needy in the city.

Helping the people in the Twin Cities and by God’s grace any other community He enables us to supply for. The Stewardship of money is often overlooked, but here we believe it is an important aspect of out walk with The Most High, as all things belong to Him in reality. Transparency is key when it comes to all aspects of stewardship, whether it be financial, taking care of or managing people, resources and of course your time. The number one most precious commodity is time, because it can never be bought back once spent. Work with us to give our all to The Most High by caring for those in need around us, and showing them the mercy, grace and love The Most High God has shown us.

If you’re interested in volunteering or donating please visit the “Events Tab” for Community outreach events and Join in to do a good work and be a light and positive representation for our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.